Devorah Channah

The World Through My Eyes...

[Gan Eden Says:]

Awake from the north and come from the south!
Blow upon My garden. let its spices flow.
Let my beloved come to his garden and eat its precious fruit.
-Shir HaShirim 4:16
"North wind" represents the human desire for physical pleasure and gratification; the "south wind" represents the soul's longing for spiritual fulfillment. Man is suppose to elevate the earth's gardens to serve the highest spiritual calling.

Adam and Chavah were given the perfect setting for this task in Gan Eden but they failed and were banished from the Garden.

Gan Eden remains in G-d's plan, where both winds will be combined for the enjoyment of ultimate aroma and fruit of holiness.  

[-Rabbi Scherman, Perek Shira]


Devorah Channah

Seeking internal holiness - striving, BE"H, to prepare this vessel for that holiness.
