Daas Sofrim states that this prayer is related to the emotion aroused by Yisrael by the sight of the many bodies of water which they saw in Babylon. Water is the symbol of life and of Torah, both give nourishment to creation and spiritual life.
[-MeAm Lo'ez, Perek Shira]
Tags creation , Jeremiah , rapid waters , spiritual life , Yirmeyahu
HaShem called upon wisdom by imbuing it with the power to create heaven and earth. By understanding "He created the heavens," for, behold, the heavenly bodies have not strayed from their paths since the day they were created.
The field is a metaphor for man. If unused, wisdom remains a capability that is wasted. Understanding is the mental exertion that processes facts and draws new knowledge from them. Wisdom is mentioned first, for it pertains to the beginning stage, then comes understanding. For where there is no knowledge, there is no understanding; and when there is no understanding, there is no knowledge. We should seek to nurture and grow the spark of wisdom that G-d has given.
[-MeAm Lo'ez, Rabbi Scherman, Perek Shira]
[The Desert Says:]
Yerushalayim and Tziyon, which were "desert and wasteland" throughout Jewish exile, shall rejoice upon Jewish Redemption - they shall blossom, prosper and flourish.
Yisrael would become exiled and its land would become a spiritual desert - like a wasteland where no one plants because nothing grows - bereft of its children, its Temple, its Divine Presence, as forseen by Yeshayahu. But, just as Torah was given in a wasteland and it gave life to a people, so too, the people would give life to the wasteland of Tziyon and Eretz Yisrael would blossom like a lily.
[-Rabbi Scherman, MeAm Lo'ez, Perek Shira]
The soul of man longs for infinite spirutal delights and rewards of the Olam Habah. When the days of man are over, and to be welcomed to the bliss of Gan Eden above, the blemished soul must be purged and purified in Gehenna. Gehenna prepares the soul for the spiritual splendor that awaits it.
[-Rabbi Scherman, Perek Shira]
"North wind" represents the human desire for physical pleasure and gratification; the "south wind" represents the soul's longing for spiritual fulfillment. Man is suppose to elevate the earth's gardens to serve the highest spiritual calling.
Adam and Chavah were given the perfect setting for this task in Gan Eden but they failed and were banished from the Garden.
Gan Eden remains in G-d's plan, where both winds will be combined for the enjoyment of ultimate aroma and fruit of holiness.
[-Rabbi Scherman, Perek Shira]
Tags Adam , Chavah , Gan Eden , Garden , perek shira , Shir HaShirim
When this is done then the Earth's Song is sung and fulfills the purpose of its creation.
-[Perek Shira, MeAm Lo'ez]
Tags Earth , G-d's glory , perek shira , righteous
(Tehillim 19:2)
"Raise your eyes on high and see Who created these."
(Yeshayahu 40:26)
The glory of G-d is revealed in His world in two ways: by looking closely at the wonders of the world that He created, and through the Torah. The performance of the heavenly bodies speaks of G-d's wisdom with greater eloquence than the spoken word. The spheres in their periodic motions recite songs and praises with a sweet and delightful melody.
In another sense, the heavens declare the glory of G-d by bringing down rain that causes the earth to yield its produce and men to praise G-d in song. Rain falls from the sky and we infer the existence of "a Master of the palace." At times it rains and other times it does not rain, sometimes there is little and sometimes there is much, which bears witness that the world "and its fullness" (24:1) are G-d's handiwork.
[Perek Shira, MeAm Lo'ez, Mesorah]
Tags G-d's glory , heaven , perek shira